
Automatic line feed
Esc5n (27)(53)n <1Bh><35h>n
When automatic line feed is ON, a line feed is automatically performed every time a carriage return is
sent to the printer.
To turn the automatic line feed function ON, set n to 1.
To turn the automatic line feed function OFF, set n to 0.
LPRINT CHR$(27); CHR$(53); CHR$(1); 'Turn auto line feed on
Enable printer
DC1 (17) (11h>
The DC1 control code (ASCII 17) enables the printer to accept data for printing again after a disable printer
Disable printer
EscQ22 (27)(81)(50)(50) <1Bh><51h><32h><32h>
EscQ3 (27)(81)(51) <1Bh><51h><32h>
These two commands stop the printer from accepting any data for printing or any control codes until it
has received a DC1 code (enable printer).
The DC3 code (ASCII 19) is not recognised by the printer.
LPRINT CHR$(27); CHR$(81); CHR$(22); 'Disable printer
Change emulation mode
EscCR<mode> (27)(13)mode <1Bh><0Dh>mode
This command changes the printer emulation mode or performs a reset.
mode can be ‘E’ (Epson), ‘H’ (LaserJet), ‘I’ (IBM Proprinter XL), 'AB' (BR-Script Batch), 'AI' (BR-Script
Interactive), 'GL' (HP-GL) or ‘FD’ (factory default).
On receiving this command the printer prints any remaining data and performs a page eject (unless the
current page is blank). The new emulation mode default settings come into effect, except when the
mode is set to ‘FD’.
If you set the mode to ‘FD’ to reset the printer to its factory default settings, LaserJet mode (the
factory default emulation mode) is selected and the LaserJet factory default environment is restored.
For a list of the factory default settings see the sub-section “Factory default environment” in Chapter 2
"PCL" of this manual.
Selecting IBM Proprinter XL emulation with mode = ‘I’ causes the printer to be reset.
LPRINT CHR$(27); CHR$(13); CHR$(69); 'Change to Epson emulation
User Reset
EscCR!#R (27)(13)(33)#(82) <1Bh><0Dh><21h>#<52h>
# = 0, restores to the current user setting.
# = 1, restores to User settings 1.
# = 2, restores to User settings 2.