Managing Embroidery Design Files (Design Database)
Writing Embroidery Design Files to an
Original Card
Selected files can be written to original cards. The
embroidery patterns written to original cards can
then be transferred to an embroidery machine and
1. Insert an original card into the USB card writer
Files other than .phc files can be written.
“Transferring the design to an original
card” on page 17.
2. Click .
→ The Card writing box appears.
3. From the Hoop size selector, select the
appropriate size of embroidery hoop.
4. Click , and then select the folder
where the desired design file is saved.
→ All embroidery files in the selected folder
are displayed in the contents pane.
5. In the contents pane, select the embroidery
6. Click or right-click the file, and then
click Add to Writing List.
→ The selected file is added to the writing
b Memo:
• To hide the card writing box, click
Contents pane
(Available patterns)
Writing list
(Selected patterns)
a Note:
Do not select a hoop size larger than the
embroidery hoop that can be used with your
embroidery machine. Otherwise, the created
original card will not work correctly with the
embroidery machine.
b Memo:
A file can also be added to the writing list by
selecting it in the contents pane, then
dragging it to the writing list.
a Note:
If the pattern in the selected embroidery file
is larger than the hoop size selected in step
3 or the number of stitches or number of
colors for the pattern exceeds the maximum
for the hoop selected in step 3, that file
cannot be added to the writing list.
Only the embroidery designs displayed in
the writing list will be written to the original