● Selecting the [Undo] command in the [Edit] menu reverses the previous action performed.
Redo (only for a layout document)
● Selecting the [Redo] command in the [Edit] menu reverses the previous Undo operation.
● Selecting the [Cut] command in the [Edit] menu cuts the selected data (text or graphics) from the
layout area or database and stores it on the Clipboard.
● Selecting the [Copy] command in the [Edit] menu copies the data (text or graphics) selected in
the layout area or database and stores it on the Clipboard. The selected data is left unchanged in
its original layout.
● Selecting the [Paste] command in the [Edit] menu pastes the contents of the Clipboard. Data can
be placed on the Clipboard using either the [Cut] or [Copy] command.
You can cut or copy data in this application and paste it into another
application. In such a case, the paste operation produces a bitmap image.
Selecting the [Cut] or [Copy] command while text is selected copies the text
onto the Clipboard as plain text.
● Selecting the [Clear] command in the [Edit] menu deletes the selected data (text or graphics)
from the layout area or database without storing it on the Clipboard.