
SERVICE (cont.)
External Thermal Protector
Check for continuity across the thermal protector ter-
minals. Before testing the external thermal protector,
ensure the thermal protector had enough time to cool
off and reset. If no continuity is present across the
terminals, replace the thermal protector.
Potential Start Relay Mounting Position
Always check the relay for correct mounting position
before continuing with the following continuity check.
• Relayterminal2and5:Nocontinuity,brokencoil,
replace relay.
• Relayterminal1and2:Nocontinuity,contactsare
open, replace relay.
Start Capacitor
Start Capacitor: BUNN P/N# 39804.0004
Rating: 243-292 MFD 165V 50/60HZ
Disconnect the start capacitor from the system. Re-
move the bleed resistor. Use a capacitance
meter to measure the capacitance. The capacitance
value should be the rated value
minus 0% to plus 20%. If it is outside of this range,
then the start capacitor needs to be
Run Capacitior
Run Capacitior: BUNN P/N# 44820.0004
Run Capacitor: 35 +/-5% MFD 425V 50/60HZ
Note: Use a 20,000 ohm resistor set-up to discharge
the capacitor before removing from the machine. By
doing this, will avoid possible damage to the capaci-
tior, measuring device and risk of electrical shock.
Once the capacitor is properly discharged, use a ca-
pacitance meter to check the capacitance value. The
value should be within 5% range of the marked ca-
pacitior value.