Using the 7C0x SmartSwitch Hub View
2-26 Managing the Hub
Module Utilities
Most of the available SPMA Tools can be launched from the Module —> Module
Utilities menu. (Remember, the Module menu is available in any Application
Display mode.) To launch a utility from this menu:
1. Click either mouse button on the Module Index or Module Type box in the Hub
View to display the Module menu.
2. Drag down to Module Utilities, then across to select the tool you want to
a. Community Names (described in Chapter 3 of the
SPMA Tools Guide
b. TFTP Download (described in Chapter 5 of the
SPMA Tools Guide
c. Trap Table (described in Chapter 6 of the
SPMA Tools Guide
d. Path Tool (described in Chapter 10 of the
SPMA Tools Guide
The MIB I, II tool — which gives you direct access to the MIB II information stored
in your 7C0x’s MIB — is also available from within the Hub View. To launch it:
1. If necessary, put the Hub View into the Interface Application Display mode
(click either mouse button on the Module Index or Module Type box to display
the Module menu, drag down to Application Display, then across to select
2. Click either mouse button on the Display Mode box in the Hub View to launch
the Interface menu; drag down to MIB II, and release.
The MIB I, II tool is described in detail in Chapter 2 of the SPMA Tools Guide.
Find MAC Address
The newest member of the family of SPMA Tool applications, the Global Find
MAC Address tool gives you the ability to locate the hub interface through which
a specific MAC address is communicating. If you are running SPMA from within
a network management platform (HP Network Node Manager, IBM NetView, or
SunNet Manager), launching this tool from the platform’s Console window Tools
One tool available for the 7C0x SmartSwitch but not accessible from within the Hub View
is the Telnet application; this application provides remote access to Local Management,
from which you can perform many basic configuration options — including selecting
either SecureFast switching or traditional bridging.
For more information about the Telnet application, see Chapter 4 of the SPMA Tools
Guide; for more information about Local Management and the configuration options
available there, consult the Local Management documentation shipped with your device.