FDDI Management
4-24 Viewing the Station List
2. In the Scope field, click on the selection button to select the front panel
interface (FP) or SMT entity for which you wish to configure connection policy.
(Remember, if you launch from the command line, front panel designations
will not appear, and each interface will be indexed by SMT only.) Changes will
only be applied to those ports associated with the front panel interface or SMT
entity which is listed in the Scope field when is selected.
3. Click on to put your policy into effect.
4. To make changes to the connection policy for additional front panel interfaces
or SMT entities, change the selection in the Scope field, reject or allow
connections as desired, then click on again.
Viewing the Station List
Selecting the Station List option from the FDDI Utilities menu allows you to view
a list that shows all the stations on the FDDI ring to which the selected interface is
attached, along with some general information about each station.
To access the Station List window (Figure 4-11):
from the Hub View:
1. Click either mouse button on any Module Index or Module Type text box to
display the Module Menu (remember, this menu is the same for all application
display modes).
2. Drag down to FDDI Utilities, then across to select Station List.
from the command line (stand-alone mode):
1. From the appropriate directory type:
spmarun fddislst <IP Address> <community name>
The spmarun script invoked first in the above command temporarily sets the environment
variables SPMA needs to operate; be sure to use this command any time you launch an
application from the command line. This script is automatically invoked when you launch
an application from within the Hub View.
A community name with Read access is sufficient to view the station list.
If there is a hostname mapped to your 7C0x’s IP address, you can use <hostname> in
place of <IP address> to launch this application. Please note, however, that the hostname
is not the same as the device name which can be assigned via Local Management and/or
SPMA; you cannot use the device name in place of the IP address.