(SecureFast Virtual LANS)
The 9T425-16, 9T427-16, and 9T428-16 allow connection-orientated Switched
Virtual Circuits (SVC).
Protocol Translations
The 9T425-16, 9T427-16, and 9T428-16 allow Òany-to-anyÓ connectivity for IPX, IP,
SNA, Netbios, Appletalk protocols between Token Ring and Ethernet, FDDI, and
Fast Ethernet devices.
Dedicated Token Ring - Auto TXI or TKP Modes
The 9T425-16, 9T427-16, and 9T428-16 can operate in either TXI (Transmit
Immediate, a.k.a. Full Duplex) or TKP (Token Passing, a.k.a. Standard) modes.
TXI is tried Þrst. If this is incompatible with other products on the ring, TKP mode
is used.
Auto MTU Size
If the user changes the ring speed, The MTU is automatically set to the maximum
size for that speed. The maximum allowable MTU is 8130 bytes @16 Mbps or 4500
bytes @4 Mbps. The user may set the MTU to a smaller size, if desired.
Auto Ring Number Detection
The 9T425-16, 9T427-16, and 9T428-16 set the Ring Number automatically to
match the current number in use on the ring segment. (May be toggled off. The
default setting is enabled.)
Related Manuals
The manuals listed below should be used to supplement the procedures and
technical data contained in this manual.
SmartSwitch 9000 Installation Guide
SmartSwitch 9000 Operations Guide
SmartSwitch 9000 9C300-1 Environmental Module UserÕs Guide
SmartSwitch 9000 9C214-1 AC Power Supply UserÕs Guide
SmartSwitch 9000 Local Management UserÕs Guide