50 ELH100-12/24TX User Interface ELH100-12/24TX
Port Statistics Menu
Use the Port Statistics screen to display key statistics for each port.
Overall statistics on the traffic passing through each port are displayed.
This information can be used to identify potential problems with the hub
(such as a faulty port).
Select the required port from the Port Statistics: Port Selection Menu. The
accompanying table
Figure 3-20. Port Statistics Screen
Hub 1 Port 12 Statistics
Readable Frames: 805490 Collisions: 425
Readable Octets: 123515227 Late Events: 1
CRC Errors: 6 Data Rate Mismatches: 0
Alignment Errors: 1 Auto Partitions: 1
Frames Too Long: 0 Total Errors: 620
Short Events: 612 LSA Changes: 672366
Runts: 3 Last Source Address:00-00-E8-42-72-E4
Press <ENTER> to refresh this port's statistics screen
Use <TAB> or cursor keys to move, <ENTER> to select
Field Description
Readable Frames Number of good frames received by the port.
Readable Octets Number of good octets received by the port.
CRC Errors Number of CRC errors.
Alignment Errors For 10 Mbps ports, the counter records alignment errors (mis-
synchronized data packets). For 100 Mbps ports, the counter
records the sum of alignment errors and code errors (frames
received with rxerror signal).
Frames Too Long Number of times frame length has exceeded the maximum
allowable size (that is, 1518 bytes).
Short Events Number of short fragments.
Runts Number of fragments (that were too long to qualify as short events).
Number of simultaneous node transmissions detected by this device.
Late Events
Number of frames where a collision occurred late in the transmission.
Data Rate
Number of frames for which the data rate does not match the local