9032947 Configuring & Monitoring The Switch 53
Common Tasks
The switch console menus allow you to modify default switch settings and
configure the switch for network management. They also allow you to
monitor switch performance and status. See Section 3, “ELS100-24TXG
User Interface,” for an overview of the menu hierarchy and a description
of all menus. The following sections describe common tasks in setting up
and operating the ELS100-24TXG switch using the console menus.
To begin, set operating parameters and make sure the network
connections are correct by performing these tasks:
Setting password protection for the switch to prevent unauthorized
access to console menus
Assigning an IP address for the switch if you plan to manage the
switch using SNMP, or if you use Telnet to access the switch
Checking network configuration status and verifying that network
connections are correct
After the switch is installed and operating, you may want to perform any
of the following tasks:
Connecting via Telnet for in-band access to the console menus
Setting SNMP parameters for management access
Viewing switch statistics to monitor and evaluate switch performance
and traffic patterns on the network
Configuring port mirroring
Downloading a software upgrade
Configuring Spanning Tree parameters
Configuring VLANs
Configuring Class of Service
Configuring port operation (enable/disable, port speed, full/half
duplex and flow control)
Configuring the forwarding table
Configuring the broadcast cutoff rate
Setting a default gateway
Configuring BootP/DHCP