SNA Status and Configuration
7-32 Viewing SDLC Status
The total number of Request Initialization Mode (RIM) frames received from or
transmitted to an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup, expressed
as a rate (RIM frames/second).
The total number of Disconnect (DISC) requests received from or transmitted to
an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup, expressed as a rate
The total number of Unnumbered Acknowledgment (UA) requests received from
or transmitted to an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup,
expressed as a rate (requests/second).
The total number of Disconnect Mode (DM) requests received from or transmitted
to an adjacent SDLC link station since link station startup, expressed as a rate
The total number of Set Normal Response Mode (SNRM/SNRME) requests
received from or transmitted to an adjacent SDLC link station since link station
startup, expressed as a rate (requests/second).
The total octets received from or transmitted to an adjacent SDLC link station
since link station startup, expressed as a rate (octets/second). This includes the
address, control, and information Þeld of I-frames only.
In the Rx Statistics window, this is the total number of I-frames retransmitted by
the remote link station because the N(s) received from that link station indicated
that one or more I-frames sent by or to that station were lost.
In the Tx Statistics window, this is the total number of I-frames retransmitted to a
remote link station because the N(r) received from that link station indicated that
one or more I-frames sent by or to that station were lost.
This event causes the Þrst missing I-frame of a window and all the subsequent
I-frames to be retransmitted. This value is expressed as a rate