
The FDDI/Ethernet Translation Configuration Screen
HSIM-F6 User’s Guide 3-29
Translate all Novell FDDI 802.2 Frames to
This field allows the user to translate all Novell FDDI 802.2 frames to a
specific Ethernet frame type. The Ethernet frame types that are available
are as follows:
Ethernet II
Ethernet SNAP
Ethernet 802.3
Ethernet 802.2
The default setting for the Novell FDDI 802.2 field is Ethernet 802.2.
Translate all Novell FDDI MAC Frames to
This field allows the user to translate all Novell FDDI MAC frames to a
specific Ethernet frame type. The Ethernet frame types that are available
are as follows:
Ethernet II
Ethernet SNAP
Ethernet 802.3
Ethernet 802.2
The default setting for the Novell FDDI MAC field is Ethernet 802.2.
The Interpret 802.3 Length for Frames > 64 Bytes
This field allows the user to enable the HSIM-F6 to examine the length
field of an 802.3 Ethernet frame to determine if the sending device has
added padding to a frame that contains more than the Ethernet minimum
of 64 bytes. If padding has been added, the HSIM-F6 removes any
padding before sending the frame onto the FDDI ring.
The HSIM-F6 automatically checks for padding all Ethernet
frames that are the minimum 64 bytes in length.