Ethernet Workgroup Design 6-9
The table below shows the selection field of Cabletron Systems shared Ethernet
workgroup devices. This is the same table that was displayed at the beginning of
this chapter. During the course of the design example, sections of the table shown
will be removed to indicate the gradual reduction of choices as the needs of the
network are compared to the capabilities of the devices.
The Network Designer has decided that, due to the size and expected simplicity
of the network, management is not a driving concern at this point in time. As cost
is an issue, and management capabilities do add to the cost of networking
devices, the Network Designer removes those intelligent devices from the
selection field. The products removed from the field are not fully discarded from
consideration, however. If the remaining non-intelligent devices do not provide a
suitable match to the other needs of the network, the Network Designer can go
back and examine these intelligent devices for their suitability.
Product Type
Media Port Count PIMs/BRIMs
MR9T-E repeater NONE UTP 8 1 EPIM
SEH-22/32 stackable NONE UTP 12 1 EPIM
SEH-24/34 stackable NONE UTP 24 2 EPIMs
SEH-22FL stackable NONE Multimode
Fiber Optics
12 1 EPIM
SEHI-22/32 stack base SNMP UTP 12 1 EPIM
SEHI-24/34 stack base SNMP UTP 24 2 EPIMs
SEHI-22FL stack base SNMP Multimode
Fiber Optics
12 1 EPIM
MicroMMAC-22/32E stack base RMON UTP 12 1 EPIM
MicroMMAC-24/34E stack base RMON UTP 24 2 EPIMs