If you have a problem with your printer and you cannot resolve it by
referring to the information in this chapter, contact the Canon help desk
at 1-800-423-2366 (U.S.A.) or 1-905-795-2083 (Canada). The staff at
the help desk is trained in the technical support of Canon's products and
should be able to help you with your problem. If your printer requires
service, the staff at the help desk can provide you with the telephone
number of your local Canon Authorized Service Facility (ASF).
Before contacting your Canon authorized service representative, make
sure you know the following information:
Product name
Serial number
Place of purchase
Nature of problem
Steps you have taken to solve the problem and the results
The serial number is located on the label on the back of the printer:
Operational Problems
This section contains problems and solutions related to the operation of
your hardware. Try the solutions in the order listed.
The Printer Does Not Turn On
If you turn on the printer and the indicator lights do not come on, the
printer is probably not getting power. Turn off the printer and follow
these steps:
Large Gaps Appear Between Text or Graphics
Envelopes Do Not Print Correctly in Word for Windows
Printing Envelopes in WordPerfect 5.2 for Windows
NOTE: Attempting to repair the printer yourself may void the warranty.