About your guides
With the BJC-8200 you are provided with three guides, in addition to the on-line Help in the printer
driver. Read the “Quick Start Guide” to set up the printer, read the “User’s Guide” for instructions on
how to use the printer, then refer to the “Reference Guide” or on-line Help when you have a
Here is a brief summary of all the reference material provided with the printer.
Quick Start Guide
Follow the instructions in this guide to perform all the procedures for
setting up the printer, including installing and aligning the print head,
connecting the printer and computer, installing the printer driver and
scanner drivers.
• You will need the “Quick Start Guide” if you move or transport
the printer. Store this guide in a safe place so you can find it for
future reference.
After setting up the printer, read the “User’s Guide” to become familiar
with the basic operations:
• Printing a photograph
• Using the optional Scanner Cartridge
• Using the printer driver
• Using plain paper and selecting the correct media for special print
• Troubleshooting minor problems
After you read the “User’s Guide”, you will know how to print a
photograph and know most of the procedures for the daily operation
of the printer. Read this User’s Guide as soon as you have completed
setting up the printer.
User’s Guide (on CD-ROM)
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