Cover/Table of
Downloading Images
from the Camera,
and Camera Settings
Working with
Images in the
ZoomBrowser EX
Remote Shooting in
the EOS Capture
and Uninstalling
the Software
Setting the EOS 5D
and EOS-1D Series
Shot Settings
You can specify various shot settings and then apply these settings to the camera.
Display the [Camera settings] dialog box (p.4-2).
Select the [Shoot settings] tab.
¿ The [Shoot settings] tab sheet appears.
O With the EOS-1Ds and EOS-1D, select the
[Detailed Settings] tab.
Click one of the buttons to display each dialog box and specify
desired settings
(p.4-11 to p.4-15).
Click the [OK] button.
The settings are applied to the camera and the [Camera settings] dialog box closes.
Loads the saved tone curves, and allows you to
select color channels and register them on the
camera (p.4-13).
Loads the personal white balance settings,
and then registers them on the camera
Allows you to select color matrix settings and then
register them on the camera (p.4-15).
Allows you to specify JPEG quality settings
(L, M1, M2, S), and register them on the
camera (p.4-15).
Applies the settings to the camera and closes the
dialog box.
Applies the settings to the camera.
Cancels all the settings and closes the dialog box.
Allows you to select tone curves, specify the
sharpness and contrast, and then register them on
the camera (p.4-12).
O With the EOS-1Ds and EOS-1D, the [Tone curve], [Color matrix] and [JPEG quality]
buttons are not displayed.
Applies the settings to the camera.
* With the EOS-1Ds and EOS-1D, the [Apply] button is displayed.
Cancels all the settings and closes the dialog box.
Applies the settings to the camera and closes the
dialog box.
O With the EOS 5D, the [Personal white balance] and [JPEG quality] buttons are not
Allows you to specify a Picture Style and register it
on the camera (p.4-11).
EOS-1D Mark II N and EOS 5D window
EOS-1Ds Mark II, EOS-1D Mark II,
EOS-1Ds and EOS-1D window