List of Log Messages
S410 Event service initialization error [crit]
S411 External input/output service initialization error [crit]
S412 Timer service initialization error [crit]
S413 Timer service runtime error [crit]
Description event initialization error [%1] [%2] (S410)
%1 Error number
%2 Cause of error
Meaning An error occurred in the initialization of the event service.
If the problem persists after rebooting, the camera is faulty. Arrange for servicing.
Description extio initialization error [%1] [%2] (S411)
%1 Error number
%2 Cause of error
Meaning An error occurred in the initialization of the external input/output device service.
If the problem persists after rebooting, the camera is faulty. Arrange for servicing.
Description timer initialization error [%1] [%2] (S412)
%1 Error number
%2 Cause of error
Meaning An error occurred in the initialization of the timer service.
If the problem persists after rebooting, the camera is faulty. Arrange for servicing.
Description timer working error [%1] (S413)
%1 Error number
Meaning An error occurred while the timer service was running.
If the problem persists after rebooting, the camera is faulty. Arrange for servicing.