Rigging procedures vary depending on whether the ma-
chine is shipped in one or 2 pieces.
Lifting machine from points other than those specified
may result in serious damage and personal injury. Rig-
ging equipment and procedure must be adequate for
machine weights and sizes. Refer to Table 1 for
machine weights, Fig. 2 and Tables 2 and 3 for overall
Carefully position cables on machine to avoid damage to
small piping, controls, or wiring.
Keep shell horizontal when lifting or lowering so all legs
contact the floor at the same time.
Rigging One-Piece Units — Lift entire assembly with
cable hooks and shackles connected to the 3 lifting holes on
the absorber-evaporator assembly (lower part of machine),
and with the center balance point location, as shown in
Fig. 3 and 4. Lifting from other holes or locations can dam-
age the machine. See Mounting the Burner section for burner
rigging instructions.
Rigging 2-Piece Units
PREPARATION — Two-piece units must be prepared for
installation before they can be rigged.
1. Open auxiliary evacuation valves to relieve pressure in
absorber-evaporator shell.
2. Open shipping valve on generator assembly to relieve
3. Remove all piping end plates by flamecutting the end plate
and weld flange around their outer diameter. Cut these
pieces as shown in Fig. 5 for proper reconnection.
4. Grind the cut pieces smooth for a close fit when the ma-
chine pieces are assembled.
To avoid contaminates and debris getting into chiller,
do not leave machine open any longer than necessary.
Do not remove any stock from pipe ends. Do not get
slag inside machine while flamecu<tting.
2—Low-Stage Generator
3—Flue Stack
5—High-Stage Generator
7—Burner Control Panel
8—Solution Heat Exchanger
9—Chiller/Heater Control Panel
10 — Absorber
11 — Evaporator
Fig. 1 — Machine Components (Front View)