Open Oil Circuit Valves
Check that the oil filter isolation valves are open by removing the valve cap and checking the
valve stem. (See Scheduled Maintenance, Changing Oil Filter.)
Torque All Gasketed Joints
Gaskets normally have relaxed by the time the machine arrives at the jobsite. Tighten all
gasketed joints to ensure a leak tight machine.
On open-drive machines, check the machine cold alignment. Refer to Machine Align-
ment in the Maintenance section.
Check Machine Tightness
Figure 28 outlines the proper sequence and procedures for leak testing.
17/19EX chillers are shipped with the refrigerant contained in the utility vessel and the oil
charge shipped in the compressor. The cooler/condenser vessels will have a 15 psig (103 kPa)
refrigerant charge. Units may be ordered with the refrigerant shipped separately, along with a
15 psig (103 kPa) nitrogen-holding charge in each vessel. To determine if there are any leaks,
the machine should be charged with refrigerant. Use an electronic leak detector to check all
flanges and solder joints after the machine is pressurized. If any leaks are detected, follow the
leak test procedure.
If the machine is spring isolated, keep all springs blocked in both directions in order to