Table 2 — LID Screens
1. Only 12 lines of information appear on the LID screen at any given time. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS to highlight a point or to view points
below or above the current screen.
2. The LID may be configured in English or SI units, as required, through the LID configuration screen.
3. Data appearing in the Reference Point Names column is used for CCN operations only.
4. All options associated with ICE BUILD, Lead/Lag, CCN Occupancy Configuration, and Soft Stopping are only available on PSIO Software
Version 9 and higher.
To access this display from the LID default screen:
1. Press MENU
2. Press STATUS (STATUS01 will be highlighted).
3. Press SELECT
Control Mode Reset, Off, Local, CCN MODE
Run Status
Timeout, Recycle, Startup,
Ramping, Running, Demand, Override,
Shutdown, Abnormal, Pumpdown
Occupied ? No/Yes OCC
Alarm State Normal/Alarm ALM
*Chiller Start/Stop Stop/Start CHIL S S
Base Demand Limit 40-100 % DLM
*Active Demand Limit 40-100 % DEM LIM
Compressor Motor Load 0-999 % CA L
Current 0-999 % CA P
Amps 0-999 AMPS CA A
*Target Guide Vane Pos 0-100 % GV TRG
Actual Guide Vane Pos 0-100 % GV ACT
Water/Brine: Setpoint 10-120 (–12.2-48.9) DEG F (DEG C) SP
* Control Point 10-120 (–12.2-48.9) DEG F (DEG C) LCW STPT
Entering Chilled Water –40-245 (–40-118) DEG F (DEG C) ECW
Leaving Chilled Water –40-245 (–40-118) DEG F (DEG C) LCW
Entering Condenser Water –40-245 (–40-118) DEG F (DEG C) ECDW
Leaving Condenser Water –40-245 (–40-118) DEG F (DEG C) LCDW
Evaporator Refrig Temp –40-245 (–40-118) DEG F (DEG C) ERT
Evaporator Pressure –6.7-420 (–46-2896) PSI (kPa) ERP
Condenser Refrig Temp –40-245 (–40-118) DEG F (DEG C) CRT
Condenser Pressure –6.7-420 (–46-2896) PSI (kPa) CRP
Discharge Temperature –40-245 (–40-118) DEG F (DEG C) CMPD
Bearing Temperature –40-245 (–40-118) DEG F (DEG C) MTRB
Motor Winding Temp –40-245 (–40-118) DEG F (DEG C) MTRW
Oil Sump Temperature –40-245 (–40-118) DEG F (DEG C) OILT
Oil Pressure Transducer –6.7-420 (–46-2896) PSI (kPa) OILP
Oil Pressure –6.7-420 (–46-2896) PSID (kPad) OILPD
Line Voltage: Percent 0-999 % V P
Actual 0-9999 VOLTS V A
*Remote Contacts Input Off/On REMCON
Total Compressor Starts 0-65535 c starts
Starts in 12 Hours 0-8 STARTS
Compressor Ontime 0-500000.0 HOURS c hrs
*Service Ontime 0-32767 HOURS S HRS
*Compressor Motor kW 0-9999 kW CKW
NOTE: All values are variables available for read operation to a CCN. Descriptions shown with (*) support write operations for BEST programming
language, data transfer, and overriding.