
LOCAL/ENABLE-STOP-CCN switch. Most probable cause
of this fault is shutdown or failure of chilled fluid pump to
start. Other possibilities are improper configuration or wir-
ing errors.
Code 55 Cooler pump interlock failure — Contacts closed
when pump is off (alarm)
If the unit is configured for cooler pump control and cooler
pump interlock, and the interlock is closed when the cooler
pump relay is off, the cooler pump shall be shut down and
the unit prevented from starting. Reset is manual with the
Possible causes are:
1. Interlock switch fails to close within one minute after chilled
water pump starts
2. Interlock switch opens during unit operation
3. Interlock voltage is detected, but unit is not configured
for interlock
4. Interlock voltage is outside its valid range
If any of these conditions occur, all compressors are dis-
abled and, if running, shutdown occurs without pumpout.
Chilled fluid pump also shuts down. Reset is manual, with
LOCAL/ENABLE-STOP-CCN switch. Most probable cause
of this fault is shutdown or failure of chilled fluid pump to
start. Other possibilities are improper configuration or wir-
ing errors.
Code 56 Water System Manager (WSM) communication
failure (alert)
If the WSM has previously established communications
with the control and the WSM is not disabled and has not
communicated with the control within the last 5 minutes, the
control will remove all WSM forces from the chillers vari-
ables. The chiller will continue to operate on a stand-alone
basis. Reset is automatic when the WSM re-establishes com-
munication with the unit.
Code 57 Calibration required for discharge pressure trans-
ducer, circuit A (alert)
Code 58 Calibration required for discharge pressure trans-
ducer, circuit B (alert)
If the discharge pressure transducer has not been success-
fully calibrated, the circuit will not start. Reset is automatic
upon successful calibration of the transducer.
Code 59 Calibration required for suction pressure trans-
ducer, circuit A (alert)
Code 60 Calibration required for suction pressure trans-
ducer, circuit B (alert
If the suction pressure transducer has not been success-
fully calibrated, the circuit will not start. Reset is automatic
upon successful calibration of the transducer.
Code 61 Calibration required for oil pressure transducer,
circuit A (alert)
Code 62 Calibration required for oil pressure transducer,
circuit B (alert)
If the oil pressure transducer has not been successfully
calibrated, the circuit will not start. Reset is automatic upon
successful calibration of the transducer.
Code 63 Complete unit shutdown due to failure (alarm)
This alarm alerts the user that the unit is totally shut down
due to one or more fault conditions. Reset is automatic when
all alarms causing complete unit shutdown are reset.
Code 64 Loss of charge, circuit A (alert)
Code 65 Loss of charge, circuit B (alert)
If the unit uses suction and discharge transducers with the
same part number, and the discharge pressure is below
10 psig when the unit is shut down, the circuit will not start.
Reset is automatic when the discharge pressure rises above
15 psig. This alarm does not function in units using different
part number transducers for suction and discharge pressure,
since the discharge transducer in that application does not
function below 20 psig.
Code 66 Flotronic™ System Manager loss of communi-
cations (alarm)
If the FSM has established communication with the con-
trol, and the communication is subsequently lost for more
than 20 seconds, the control will remove all forces on the
chiller variables. Control of the unit will revert to stand-
alone basis, and reset is automatic upon re-establishment of
Code 67 Transducer calibration failure due to incorrect date
code (alarm)
This applies to units having pressure transducers with the
same part number for both suction and discharge pressures.
If the transducer calibration is attempted and the factory de-
fault date code (Jan. 1, 1980) is in the date variable, then the
unit will not start. Reset is automatic when the proper date
code is entered upon calibration.
Code 70 High leaving chilled fluid temperature (alert)
If the leaving chilled fluid temperature is rising and is
higher than the limit established in the subfunction
and the unit is at full capacity then alert 70 will be activated.
The unit will continue to function normally, and reset will
be automatic upon leaving chilled fluid temperature drop-
ping to F below the limit or less than control
set point.
Electronic Expansion Valve (EXV)
NOTE: This applies to all units except 30GN040 and 045
with optional brine. The 040 and 045 units with optional brine
have TXVs.
EXV OPERATION These valves control the flow of liq-
uid refrigerant into the cooler. They are operated by the pro-
cessor to maintain a specified superheat at lead compressor
entering gas thermistor (located between compressor motor
and cylinders). There is one EXV per circuit. See
Fig. 12.
High-pressure liquid refrigerant enters valve through bot-
tom. A series of calibrated slots are located in side of orifice
assembly. As refrigerant passes through orifice, pressure drops
and refrigerant changes to a 2-phase condition (liquid and
Fig. 12 Electronic Expansion Valve (EXV)