6. The day of the week will be shown. Use the UP AR-
ROW and DOWN ARROW buttons to change the day
of the week until the desired starting day is shown. Pos-
sible choices are Mo-Fr (Monday through Friday), Sa
(Saturday), and Su (Sunday). Press theMode button when
the desired day is shown.
7. The Start Time for Occupied 1 for the chosen day will
be displayed. Use the UP ARROW and DOWN AR-
ROW buttons to raise or lower the time until the desired
Start Time is shown. Press the Mode button to continue.
See Fig. 5.
8. The Stop Time for Occupied 1 for the chosen day will
be displayed. Use the UP ARROW and DOWN AR-
ROW buttons to raise or lower the time until the desired
Stop Time is shown. Press the Mode button.
9. The On/Off icon will be displayed. Use the UP AR-
ROW to turn the Occupied 1 period ON for this day.
Use the DOWN ARROW to turn the Occupied 1 period
OFF for this day.
10. If the Occupied 2 and/or Occupied 3 time periods were
selected in Step 1, they will need to be configured. Set
the cooling set point, heating set point, start time, stop
time, and on/off configuration for Occupied 2 and 3 time
periods for that day (Sa, Su, Mo-Fr). If the Occupied 2
and 3 time periods were not selected in Step 1, skip to
Step 11. Press the Mode button to continue.
11. The program schedule will move forward to the next
day (Sa, Su, Mo-Fr). Repeat Steps 7 to 10 for that day
12. The program will continue to cycle through the 3 sched-
ules (Sa, Su, Mo-Fr) and repeating Steps 7 to 10. Press
the Mode and UP ARROW buttons at the same time to
exit Programming mode.
NOTE: The thermostat will continue to follow the schedule
until a new one is entered.
• If only one occupied schedule is selected, the Occupied 2
and 3 schedules are skipped.
• If the start time is set later in the day than the stop time,
the program will run from midnight of that day to the stop
time and then from the start time to midnight.
• If the same start and stop times are programmed for an
occupancy schedule, the thermostat will be in Occupied
mode for 24 hours.
• If one occupied period starts or stops within another oc-
cupied period, the lower numbered schedule has priority.
For example, if schedule Occupied 3 is running for 24 hours
and occupied schedule 2 comes on from 1 to 3 PM, the set
points from Occupied 2 are in effect from 1 to 3 PM.
OVERRIDING THE SCHEDULE — The schedule can be
overridden during operation by pressing the UP or DOWN
ARROW buttons to change the desired temperature.The ther-
mostat will use the new set point until the next scheduled
time period starts.
Table 1 — Daily Schedule Planner
Occupied 1 Occupied 2 Occupied 3 Unoccupied
Start / Stop / Heat / Cool* Start / Stop / Heat / Cool Start / Stop / Heat / Cool Heat / Cool*
/// /// /// /
Saturday /// /// /// /
Sunday /// /// /// /
*The heat and cool temperature set points for Occupied 1 and Unoccupied are the same for each day.
NOTE: The cooling temperature set point must be higher than the heating temperature set point.
Fig. 4 — Setting Occupied 1 Set Points
Fig. 5 — Start Time Display