Table 23 — Fan Performance, 48AW,AY020-030 — Horizontal Discharge Units
Bhp — Brake Horsepower
1. Fan performance is based on wet coils, economizer, roof curb,
cabinet losses, and clean 2-in. filters.
2. Conversion — Bhp to watts:
3. Variable Air Volume units will operate down to 70 cfm/ton. Per-
formance at 70 cfm/ton is limited to unloaded operation and
may be additionally limited by edb (entering dry bulb) and ewb
(entering wet bulb) conditions.
Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp
4,000 394 1.06 424 1.21 488 1.57 544 1.96 595 2.35 642 2.76 685 3.17 725 3.59
5,000 398 1.32 465 1.68 523 2.06 576 2.46 625 2.88 670 3.31 712 3.75 751 4.19
6,000 451 1.90 511 2.29 564 2.70 613 3.12 659 3.55 702 4.00 742 4.45 780 4.92
7,000 506 2.65 560 3.07 609 3.49 654 3.93 697 4.38 737 4.84 776 5.31 813 5.79
8,000 562 3.56 612 4.01 657 4.46 699 4.91 739 5.38 777 5.86 814 6.34 848 6.84
9,000 620 4.65 666 5.13 707 5.60 747 6.08 784 6.57 820 7.06 855 7.56 888 8.07
10,000 679 5.93 721 6.44 760 6.94 797 7.44 832 7.94 866 8.45 898 8.97 930 9.50
11,000 738 7.40 777 7.94 814 8.47 849 9.00 882 9.52 914 10.05 944 10.59 974 11.13
12,000 798 9.09 835 9.66 869 10.22 902 10.77 933 11.32 963 11.86 993 12.42 1021 12.98
13,000 859 11.01 893 11.60 925 12.18 956 12.75 986 13.33 1015 13.90 1042 14.47 1070 15.04
14,000 920 13.14 952 13.76 982 14.37 1011 14.97 1040 15.56 1067 16.16 1094 16.75 1120 17.34
15,000 981 15.52 1011 16.17 1040 16.80 1068 17.42 1095 18.04 1121 18.65 1146 19.27 1171 19.88
Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp
4,000 763 4.01 799 4.44 833 4.87 865 5.31 896 5.75 926 6.20 955 6.64 983 7.09
5,000 789 4.64 824 5.10 858 5.56 891 6.03 922 6.50 952 6.98 981 7.46 1009 7.94
6,000 817 5.39 851 5.87 885 6.36 917 6.85 948 7.34 978 7.85 1006 8.35 1034 8.86
7,000 848 6.28 881 6.78 914 7.29 945 7.80 975 8.31 1005 8.84 1033 9.36 1061 9.89
8,000 882 7.35 914 7.86 946 8.38 976 8.90 1005 9.44 1034 9.98 1062 10.52 1089 11.07
9,000 920 8.59 951 9.12 981 9.65 1010 10.19 1038 10.74 1066 11.29 1093 11.85 1119 12.41
10,000 960 10.03 990 10.57 1019 11.12 1047 11.67 1074 12.23 1101 12.79 1127 13.37 1152 13.94
11,000 1003 11.68 1032 12.23 1059 12.79 1086 13.36 1113 13.93 1138 14.51 1163 15.09 1188 15.68
12,000 1049 13.54 1076 14.11 1102 14.68 1128 15.26 1153 15.85 1178 16.43 — — — —
13,000 1096 15.63 1122 16.21 1147 16.80 1172 17.39 1196 17.99 — — — — — —
14,000 1145 17.94 1170 18.54 1194 19.15 ——————————
15,000 119520.50——————————————
Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp
4,000 1010 7.55 1036 8.00 1061 8.46 1086 8.92
5,000 1036 8.42 1062 8.91 1088 9.40 1113 9.89
6,000 1061 9.37 1088 9.88 1113 10.40 1138 10.92
7,000 1087 10.42 1114 10.96 1139 11.50 1164 12.05
8,000 1115 11.62 1141 12.18 1166 12.74 1191 13.30
9,000 1145 12.98 1170 13.55 1195 14.13 — —
10,000 117714.52——————
11,000 ————————
12,000 ————————
13,000 ————————
14,000 ————————
15,000 ————————
Watts =
Bhp x 746
Motor Efficiency