Before you cal l for service...
...check fo r several easily--solved problems.
If insufficient heating or cooling is suspected:
( ) Check for sufficient airflow . Check the a ir filter for dirt. Check
for blocked return--air or supply--air grilles. Be sure they are open
and unobstructed. If these checks do not reveal the cause, call your
servicing dealer.
If your unit is not operating at all, check the following list for
easy so lutions:
( ) Check to be sure that your thermostat temperature selector is
set below the indoor temperature during the cooling season or
above the indoor temperature during heating season. Be sure the
SYSTEM switch o r MODE control is in the COOL or HEAT and
not OFF.
( ) If your unit still fails to operate, call your servicing dealer for
troubleshooting and repairs. Specify the model and serial numbers
of yourunit. (Record them in this manual in the space provided.) If
the dealer knows exactly which unit you have, he may be able to
offer suggestions over the phone, or save valuable time through
knowledgeable preparation for the service call.
In Case of Trouble
If you perform the steps above and unit performance is still
unsatisfactory, shut off the unit and call your dealer.
Fig. 1 1 -- Monoport Burner
Copyright2010 CarrierCo rp. S 7310W. MorrisSt.S Indianapolis,IN 46231 EditionDate: 04/10
Manufacturer reserves theright tochange, atanyti me, specifications anddesigns withoutnotice andwithoutobligations.
Cata log No: OM48EZ --- VT --- 0 4
Replaces: OM48EZ---VT--- 03