
Table 36 EconoMi$er Troubleshooting
Damper Does Not
Indoor (Evaporator) Fan is Off Check to ensure that 24 vac is present at Terminal C1 (Common Power)
on the IFC (Indoor [Evaporator] Fan Contactor) or that 24 vac is present at
the IFO (Indoor [Evaporator] Fan On) terminal. Check whether 24 vac is
present at PL6-1 (red wire) and/or PL6-3 (black wire). If 24 vac is
not present, check wiring (see unit label diagram).
Check proper thermostat connection to G on the connection board.
No Power to EconoMi$er Controller Check to ensure that 24 vac is present across Terminals 24 VAC and
24V COM on the EconoMi$er control. If 24 vac is not present, check wiring
(see unit label diagram). If 24 vac is present, STATUS light should be on
No Power to G Terminal If IFM is on, check to ensure 24 vac is present on G Terminal of the
EconoMi$er controller. If 24 vac is not present, check wiring (see unit
label diagram).
Controller Fault If STATUS light is flashing one flash, the EconoMi$er controller is
experiencing a fault condition. Cycle power to the controller. If condition
continues, replace the EconoMi$er controller.
Thermostat Fault If STATUS light is flashing two flashes, the EconoMi$er controller senses
the thermostat is wired incorrectly. Check wiring between the thermostat
and the connection board in the electrical panel. The fault condition is
caused by Y2 being energized before Y1.
Actuator Fault Check the wiring between the EconoMi$er controller and the actuator.
Hold CONFIG button between 3 and 10 seconds to verify the
actuators operation. (This process takes 3 minutes to complete.)
Operation Limited to
Minimum Position
Minimum Position Set Incorrectly Verify that the MIN POS (%) is set greater than zero. Adjust MIN POS (%)
to 100% to verify operation, and then set to correct setting.
EconoMi$er Changeover Set Point Set Too
High or Too Low
Set at correct value. See Table 3.
Supply Air Temperature Sensor Faulty If STATUS light is flashing 4 flashes, Supply Air Temperature Sensor is
faulty. Check wiring or replace sensor.
Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor Faulty If STATUS light is flashing 5 flashes, Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor is
faulty. Check wiring or replace sensor.
Damper Position
Less than Minimum
Position Set Point
Supply Air Low Limit Strategy Controlling The supply-air temperature is less than 45 F, causing the minimum
position to decrease. Refer to the Start-Up instructions. Verify correct
setting of MIN POS (%). If correct, EconoMi$er is operating correctly.
Damper Does Not
Return to Minimum
Ventilation Strategy Controlling If a CO
sensor is being used, and the damper position is greater than
minimum position, the ventilation control strategy is controlling. Refer to
the Start-Up instructions. EconoMi$er is operating correctly.
Damper Does Not
Close on Power Loss
Damper Travel is Restricted Check to ensure the damper is not blocked.