PUMP 2 RUN TIME — This point displays the number of
hours that the pump has run. When the maximum number of
hours is exceeded (9999 hours), both pumps run time hours
will reset to 0.
Pump 2 Run Time
Display Units Numeric
Default Value 0
Display Range 0 to 9999
Network Access Read/Write
Loop Supply Water Set Point —
The low set point
is the low limit the supply water temperature may drop down to
before the heat source will be activated to maintain the Loop
Supply water temperature. The high set point is the high limit
the supply water may rise to before the cooling source will be
activated to maintain the loop supply water temperature. See
Table 15. Set points can also be modified with slide bars in the
ComfortVIEW™ software. See Fig. 11.
Table 15 — Loop Supply Water (SETPT01)
Occupied Low:
Configuration Units degrees F (degrees C)
Configuration Range –40.0 to 245.0
Default Value 60.0
Occupied High:
Configuration Units degrees F (degrees C)
Configuration Range –40.0 to 245.0
Default Value 90.0
Unoccupied Low:
Configuration Units degrees F (degrees C)
Configuration Range –40.0 to 245.0
Default Value 60.0
Unoccupied High:
Configuration Units degrees F (degrees C)
Configuration Range –40.0 to 245.0
Default Value 90.0
System Pressure Set Point —
This set point defines
the system pressure that the variable speed pumps will operate
when the Aquazone™ system control panel is configured for
variable speed pumping. See Table 16. Set points can also be
modified with slide bars in the ComfortVIEW software. See
Fig. 12.
Table 16 — System Pressure (SETPT02)
Occupied Low:
Configuration Units PSIG
Configuration Range –9999.9 to 9999.9
Default Value 10.0
Occupied High:
Configuration Units PSIG
Configuration Range –9999.9 to 9999.9
Default Value 10.0
Unoccupied Low:
Configuration Units PSIG
Configuration Range –9999.9 to 9999.9
Default Value 10.0
Unoccupied High:
Configuration Units PSIG
Configuration Range –9999.9 to 9999.9
Default Value 10.0
Global Dictionary —
The Global Dictionary table is
shown in Table 17.
Table 17 — Global Dictionary (AQUAMASC)
PUMP CONTROL TYPE — This configuration determines
how the pump outputs will be controlled. If the pump relays
were ordered with the Aquazone system control panel, then the
pump control type should be set to 0. If the pump outputs will
control variable speed pumps, then the configuration should be
set to 1. When variable speed control is selected, both outputs
will control simultaneously.
Pump Control Type:
Configuration Units None
Configuration Range 0 or 1
Default Value 0
PUMP ROTATION HOURS — When the pump control type
is set to 0 (on/off), this configuration is used to set the maxi-
mum number of hours the lead pump may accumulate beyond
the numbers of hours accumulated for the lag pump. When this
difference in hours is reached, the lead pump will change to the
pump with the lesser number of accumulated run hours.
Pump Rotation Hours:
Configuration Units HOURS
Configuration Range 0 to 9999
Default Value 50.0
configuration determines how the tower outputs will be con-
trolled. If panels were ordered with the stage output transducers,
then tower control type should be set to 0. If the tower outputs
will control variable speed tower fans, then the configuration
should be set to 1.
Variable speed configuration will control both outputs si-
Tower/Cooling Source Control Type:
Configuration Units None
Configuration Range 0 or 1
Default Value 0
Occupied Lo Setpoint
60.00 df OccLow
Occupied Hi Setpoint
90.00 df OccHgh
Unoccupied Lo Setpoint
60.00 df UnOccLow
Unoccupied Hi Setpoint
90.00 df UnOccHgh
Occupied Lo Setpoint
10.00 PSIG OccLow
Occupied Hi Setpoint
10.00 PSIG OccHgh
Unoccupied Lo Setpoint
10.00 PSIG UnOccLow
Unoccupied Hi Setpoint
10.00 PSIG UnOccHgh
Pump Rotation Hours
50.00 ROT_TIME
Sched Bcst 0=N,1=Y