Carrier Indoor & Outdoor Split Geothermal Heat Pumps - Rev.: 08/10/05
Application Flexibility
• Eight Capacities 018, 024, 030, 036, 042, 048,
and 060.
• Voltage availability in 208-230/60/1.
• Stackable cabinets.
• Extended range operation (20-120°F EWT) and
fl ow rates as low as 1.5 gpm per ton.
• Circuit breaker protected loop and hot water
gen er a tor pumps.
• Field selectable low temperature cut-out selection
setting for well or loop.
• Corner located electrical box for wiring access
from two sides.
• Compressor mounting springs “matched” to each
compressor for maximum quietness.
• Narrow cabinet for movement through doorways.
• Precharged refrigerant circuit with backseating
service valves for quick installation.
Operating Effi ciencies
• ARI/ASHRAE/ISO 13256-1 ratings for heating
COP’s, cooling EER’s and low water fl ow rates.
• Operating and temperature range allow
shorter loops.
• Optional hot water generator with internal pump
generates hot water at considerable savings.
• Rugged, super quiet, and highly effi cient
scroll compressors.
• Oversized coaxial tube water to refrigerant heat
exchangers operate at low liquid pressure drop.
• Convoluted copper (and optional cupronickel)
water tube functions effi ciently at low-fl ow rates
and provides freeze-damage resistance.
Service Advantages
• Removable panels-3 for compressor.
• Brass swivel-type water and HWG connections
for quick connection and elimination of wrenches
or sealants during installation.
Solid state digital compressor module provides
reliable lockout, diagnostic, and time delay functions.
• High side loss-of-charge sensing reduces nuisance
low pressure faults.
• LED Fault and status indication with memory for
easy diagnostics.
Designed for front-access service in tight ap pli ca tions.
• High and low pressure service ports in the
refrigerant circuit.
• Refrigerant sensing freeze protection for more
accurate low temperature cut-out.
Factory Quality
• All units are built on our Integrated Process
Control Assembly System (IPCS). The IPCS is
a unique state of the art manufacturing system
that is designed to assure quality of the highest
standards of any manufacturer in the water-source
industry. Our IPCS system:
- Verifi es that the correct components are
being assembled.
- Automatically performs special leak tests on
all joints.
- Conducts pressure tests.
- Performs highly detailed run test unparalleled in
the HVAC industry.
Automatically disables packaging for a “failed” unit.
- Creates computer database for future service
analysis and diagnostics from run test results.
• Heavy gauge galvanized steel cabinets are epoxy
powder coated for durable and long-lasting fi nish.
• All refrigerant brazing is done in a nitrogen
• All units are deep evacuated to less than 100
microns prior to refrigerant charging.
• All joints are both helium and halogen leak tested
to insure annual leak rate of less than 1/4 ounce.
• Coaxial heat exchanger, refrigerant suction lines
and all water lines are fully insulated to eliminate
condensation problems in low temperature
• Noise Reduction features include: double isolation
mounted compressors, compressor springs,
insulated compressor compartment, and interior
cabinet insulation using 1/2” coated glass fi ber.
Safety features include: high pressure and loss of
charge to protect the compressor; condensate
overfl ow protection; low water temperature
limit sensors to safeguard the coaxial heat
exchanger and air coil; hot water high limit and low
compressor discharge temperature switch provided
to shut down the hot water generator when
conditions dictate. Fault lockout enables emergency
and prevents compressor operation until
thermostat or circuit breaker has been reset.