
Step 1 and try logging on again.
Note: The initial factory set password is 1-1-1-1.
To Log Off
Access the Log Out of Device table of the Service menu in order to password-protect the
Service menu. The LID will automatically sign off and password-protect itself if a key is not
pressed for 15 minutes. The LID default screen is then displayed.
Holiday Scheduling (
Figure 23
The time schedules may be configured for special operation during a holiday period. When
modifying a time period, the ‘‘H’’ at the end of the days of the week field signifies that the period
is applicable to a holiday. (See Figure 18.)
The Broadcast function must be activated for the holidays configured in the Holidef tables to
work properly. Access the Brodefs table in the Equipment Configuration table and answer
‘‘Yes’’ to the activated function. However, when the machine is connected to a CCN Network,
only one machine or CCN device can be configured to be the broadcast device. The controller