u To execute sampling from an Econ Sampling strip
1. On the eActivity workspace screen, use the f and c keys to move the highlighting to
the Econ Sampling strip.
2. Press w.
• This displays a sampling start confirmation screen.
Calling E-CON2 Functions from an eActivity
• If this is the first time you are using this Econ Sampling strip for sampling, continue on to
step 3.
• If this is an Econ Sampling strip that you have used for sampling in the paste and want
to re-execute with the same setup, jump to step 8.
3. Press !,(,) to display the application list.
4. Use the f and c cursor keys to move the highlighting to “Econ AdvancSetup”, and
then press w.
• This displays the Advanced Setup screen.
5. Perform steps 4 and 5 under “To configure an EA-200 setup using Advanced Setup (page
3-1) to configure the setup for sampling.
6. Press !,(,) to display the application list.
7. Use the f and c cursor keys to move the highlighting to “Econ Sampling”, and then
press w.
• This will return to the sampling start confirmation screen in step 2 of this procedure.