u Periods/YR. * (payment interval specification)
• { Annu } / { Semi } ... {annual}/{semiannual}
u Ineq Type (inequality fill specification)
• { AND } / { OR } ... When graphing multiple inequalities, {fill areas where all inequality
conditions are satisfied}/{fill areas where each inequality condition is satisfied}
u Simplify (calculation result auto/manual reduction specification)
• { Auto } / { Man } ... {auto reduce and display}/{display without reduction}
u Q1Q3 Type (Q
calculation formulas)
• { Std } / { OnData } ... {Divide total population on its center point between upper and lower
groups, with the median of the lower group Q1 and the median of the upper group Q3}/
{Make the value of element whose cumulative frequency ratio is greater than 1/4 and
nearest to 1/4 Q1 and the value of element whose cumulative frequency ratio is greater
than 3/4 and nearest to 3/4 Q3}
The following items are not included on the fx-7400G
II /fx-9750G II .
u Input/Output (input/output mode)
• { Math } / { Line }*
... {Math}/{Linear} input/output mode
u Auto Calc (spreadsheet auto calc)
• { On } / { Off } ... {execute}/{not execute} the formulas automatically
u Show Cell (spreadsheet cell display mode)
• { Form } / { Val } ... {formula}*
u Move (spreadsheet cell cursor direction) *
• { Low } / { Right } ... {move down}/{move right}
The initial default setting of the fx-9860G SD (OS 2.0)/fx-9860G (OS 2.0)/fx-9860G AU
(OS 2.0) is the “Line” input/output mode.
Selecting “Form” (formula) causes a formula in the cell to be displayed as a formula. The
“Form” does not affect any non-formula data in the cell.
Specifies the direction the cell cursor moves when you press the w key to register cell
input, when the Sequence command generates a number table, and when you recall data
from List memory.
9. Using Screen Capture
Any time while operating the calculator, you can capture an image of the current screen and
save it in capture memory.
u To capture a screen image
1. Operate the calculator and display the screen you want to capture.