Calculation Result Output Examples
When a list is specified When variable (
x) is specified
• There is no graphing for Geometric Probability.
• Geometric Cumulative Distribution (DIST)(E)(GEO)(GCd)
Geometric Cumulative Distribution calculates the cumulative
probability in a geometric distribution that the success will
occur on or before a specified trial.
Calculation Result Output Examples
When a list is specified When variable (
x) is specified
• There is no graphing for Geometric Cumulative Distribution.
• Inverse Geometric Cumulative Distribution (DIST)(E)(GEO)(InvG)
Inverse Geometric Cumulative Distribution calculates
the minimum number of trials of a geometric cumulative
probability distribution for specified values.
Calculation Result Output Examples
When a list is specified When variable (
x) is specified
• There is no graphing for Inverse Geometric Cumulative Distribution.