• Hypergeometric Distribution
HypergeoPD(: Returns the hypergeometric probability ( p value) for the specified data.
Syntax: HypergeoPD(
x , n , M, N[)]
• A single value or a list can be specified for
x . Calculation result p is assigned to variables p
and Ans (ListAns when x is a list).
HypergeoCD(: Returns the hypergeometric cumulative distribution (
p value) for the specified
Syntax: HypergeoCD([Lower,] Upper,
n, M, N[)]
• Single values or lists can be specified for Lower and Upper. Calculation result
p is assigned
to variables p and Ans (or ListAns).
InvHypergeoCD(: Returns the inverse hypergeometric cumulative distribution for the specified
Syntax: InvHypergeoCD(
p , n , M, N[)]
• A single value or a list can be specified for
p . The calculation result X value is assigned to
the x Inv and Ans variables (ListAns when p is a list).
k Using the TEST Command to Execute a Command in a Program
• The following are the specifications ranges for the “ ƫ condition” argument of the command.
“<” or –1 when
ƫ < ƫ
“ ≠ ” or 0 when ƫ ≠ ƫ
“>” or 1 when ƫ > ƫ
The above also apply for the “
condition” and “ ơ &
condition” specification methods.
• For explanations of arguments, see “Tests” (page 6-32) and “Input and Output Terms of
Tests, Confidence Interval, and Distribution” (page 6-65).
• For the calculation formula of each command, see “Statistic Formula” (page 6-68).
• Z Test
OneSample Z Test: Executes 1-sample Z -test calculation.
Syntax: OneSample
Z Test " ƫ condition", ƫ
, o, n
Output Values: z, p, o, n are assigned respectively to variables z, p, o, n and to ListAns
elements 1 through 4.
Syntax: OneSample
Z Test " ƫ condition", ƫ
, List[, Freq]
Output Values:
z , p , o, s
, n are assigned respectively to variables z , p , o, s
, n and to
ListAns elements 1 through 5.