Data Communications
Data communications capabilities let you transfer data between two CASIO SF
Units, between an SF Unit and a CASIO CSF Unit or NX Unit, or between this unit
and a personal computer. You can perform such operations in the Telephone
Directory, Memo, Schedule Keeper, Calendar, To Do, Expense or Reminder
About data compatibility
Whenever you exchange data with a CASIO SF Unit, there are certain restric-
tions concerning data compatibility.
Send data
• You cannot send data to the CASIO SF-A Series Units (SF-A10, etc.).
• Some SF Units, CSF Units, NX Units do not have modes that are included
with this Unit. For example, some Units do not have a Reminder Mode or an
Expense Mode. Data from a mode cannot be received by an SF Unit, CSF
Unit, NX Unit unless that SF Unit, CSF Unit, NX Unit also has the same mode.
• Data cannot be sent from this SF unit to a CASIO SF-5580, 5580E, 5590SY,
5590SYE, 5780, 5780E, 5790SY, 5790SYE, 5980, 5980E, 5990SY, 5990SYE,
6500SY, 6700SY, 6900SY, 7100SY or 7200SY unit.
• When data is sent from this SF Unit to a CASIO CSF or NX Unit, data stored
in Telephone Directory items FREE1 through FREE6 is stored in the
Telephone Directory MEMO item of the unit to which you are sending data,
with newline symbols between the FREE items.
• When data is sent from this SF Unit to a CASIO CSF or NX Unit, all text is blue.
• When data is sent from this SF Unit to a CASIO CSF or NX Unit, all calendar
highlighting is blue.
• The euro mark
can be transferred between two SF-4900ER/SF-4980ER/
SF-4985ER units. Euro marks are replaced by blank spaces when data is
transferred from a SF-4900ER/SF-4980ER/SF-4985ER unit to an older
Receive data
• You cannot receive data from the CASIO SF-A Series Units (SF-A10, etc.).
• Some SF Units, CSF Units, NX Units have modes that are not included with
this unit. Data from such modes cannot be received by this unit.
• The Schedule Keeper of some SF Units is capable of storing multiple-date
data items. Whenever you transfer such a data item to the your SF Unit, it is
automatically converted to a single-date data item. The date used is the one
that starts the original multiple-date data item.