
— 66 —
m n1 n2 [ d ] k
[Function] Specifying the bit image mode
[Code] <1B>H<2A>H<m><n1><n2> [<d>] k
[Range] m= 0, 1, 32, 33
n1 255
n2 3
d 255
k = n1 + 256 × n2 (m = 0, 1)
k = (n1+ 256 × n2) × 3 (m = 32, 33)
[Outline] According to the number of dots specified in “n1”, “n2”, specify
the bit image of mode “m”.
The number of dots printed is divided by 256, whose quotient
is taken as n2 and residual as “n1”.
The total number of dots printed in the horizontal direction is
equal to n1 + (256 × n2).
When bit image data have been input in excess of dot positions
that can be printed on one line, the excess data are discarded.
• ”d” is bit image data. Bits to be printed are specified as “1”
and those not as “0”.
The bit image modes specified by m are shown as follows:
Vertical Direction Horizontal Direction
No. of Dots Dot Density Dot Density Max. No. of Dots
0 8-dots single density 8 67 DPI 101 DPI 416
1 8-dots double density 8 67 DPI 203 DPI 832
32 24-dots single density 24 203 DPI 101 DPI 416
33 24-dots double density 24 203 DPI 203 DPI 832
[Caution] When the value of m is out of the above range, the data
following after n1 is processed as normal printing data.
• After completion of bit image printing, the printer returns to
normal data processing mode.