21061 21063 31043
AM 70 AZ AM 90 AZ AM 114 AZ
Optical Design Refractor Refractor Newtonian
Aperture 70mm (2.8") 90mm (3.5") 114mm (4.5")
Focal Length 900mm 1000mm 1000mm
Focal Ratio 13 11 f/ f/ f/9
Secondary Mirror Obstruction -- Dia. - Area /a /a % - 10% n n 31
Optical Coatings Fully coated Multi-coated Fully coated
Finderscope Star Pointer Star Pointer Star Pointer
Diagonal 1.25" Erect Image ge Erect Ima n/a
Eyepieces 1.25" ) ) 20mm (45x 20mm (50x 20mm Erect
Apparent FOV -- 20mm @ 50° Image (50x)
-- 10mm @ 40° 10mm (90x)
x) 10mm (100x)
Angular Field of View w/standard eyepiece 1.1° 1.0° 1.0°
Linear FOV w/standard eyepiece -
ft/1000yds 58 53 53
Mount Altazimuth Altazimuth Altazimuth
Pan Handle Control for Altitude yes yes yes
Azimuth Lock yes yes yes
Tripod Leg Diameter 1.25" yes yes yes
CD-ROM "The Sky" Level 1 yes es y yes
Highest Useful Magnification 165x 213x 269x
Limiting Stellar Magnitude 11.7 12.3 12.8
Resolution -- Raleigh (arc seconds) 1.98 1.54 1.21
Resolution -- Dawes Limit " " 6 9 2 1.6 1.2 1.0
Light Gathering Power 100x 165x 265x
Optical Tube Length 36" (91cm) 91cm) 51cm) 36" ( 20" (
Telescope Weight 18 # (8.2kg) (9kg) (7.7kg) 20 # 17 #
Note: Specifications are subject to change
without notice or obligation