
DDoocc NNoo::
02 Copyright © Hanmar Motor Corporation 2005
WARNING: If your vehicle is equipped with an optional flat screen TV,the TV must be off and in the stored position
during travel.
A monitor panel is located on the shelf above the passenger
lounge seat, (see Picture E-P1).
The monitor panel is used to provide the approximate fluid
levels in the fresh,grey and black (holding) water tanks,the
propane tank, and the charge level of the auxiliary battery.
The monitor panel has a series of L.E.D.lights that mark the
fluid levels at set increments of F (full),2/3, 1/3 and E
(empty).Therefore with respect to the water tank levels, you
must be aware that the panel does not always reflect the
actual fluid levels. For example, when the 1/3 level light is on,
the tank may be anywhere from 1/3 to just under 2/3 full.
When the panel reads empty,the tank may be anywhere
from empty to just under 1/3 full.
The black and grey water tanks must be flushed regularly
with sanitation fluid, to prevent the accumulation of solids
on the probes to maintain accurate black and grey water
level readings. Required tank flushing will vary depending on
To flush: Refer to the instructions on the Waste Tank
Dumping found in the Water Systems Section.
NOTE: When the water system is operating in the winter
mode,only the interior fresh water tank is to be used.
Therefore you must be aware that the interior tanks fluid
level is actually empty when the 1/3 L.E.D.light is displayed
on the monitor panel.
The auxiliary battery charge level indicator is marked “C”,“G”,“F”,and “L”.
1. “C”indicates the battery is fully charged.
2. “G”indicates the battery charge is “good”.
3. “F”indicates “fair”.
4. “L” indicates “low”.
The battery condition is indicated by the uppermost light that is on. For example, if the “G”,“F”, and “L” lights are on,
the battery charge is “Good”.
The panel also provides the switch for the water pump and a disconnect switch for the auxiliary battery.
Picture E-P1: Monitor panel, porch light and
optional generator control switch.