BI-LEVEL: This setting brings in outside air and
blows it out through the heater floor vents and the
instrument panel vents. If you move the temperature
knob between hot and cold, cooler air will come out of
the upper vents while warmer air comes out of the floor
vent. The air conditioning compressor may operate in
this setting to cool the air.
VENT: The air comes out at the vents on your
instrument panel. The air conditioning compressor will
not run in this position. Adjust the temperature knob for
warmer or cooler air.
HEATER: Most of the air comes out near the
floor. The rest comes out from the defroster vents under
the windshield and at the front side windows.
BLEND: With this setting, the heated outside air
comes out of both the heater vents and defroster vents.
Adjust the temperature knob for warmer or cooler air.
The air conditioning compressor may operate in this
setting to dehumidify the air.
DEFROST: This setting operates the defroster.
Most of the air comes out near the windshield, with
some going to the floor vents and front side windows.
The air conditioning compressor may operate in this
setting to dehumidify the air.
Heating System
If your vehicle does not have air conditioning, your
heater controls will look like this.
Fan Knob
This control has four positions. To increase airflow,
turn the knob toward HI. To decrease airflow, move it
toward LO.
Temperature Knob
This knob is next to the fan knob. It controls the
temperature of the air flowing into your vehicle. Turn
the knob clockwise for warmer air. Turn the knob
counterclockwise for cooler air.