English Metric
Fuel Tank
Standard Tank (Passenger and Cargo) 31.0 gal 117.3 L
Standard Tank (Cab and Chassis) 33.0 gal 124.9 L
Optional Tank (Cab and Chassis)* 57.0 gal 215.7 L
* 159 inch (4 039 mm) wheelbase or 177 inch (4 496 mm) wheelbase only
Transmission Capacities
4-SPD 4L60-E Transmission 5.0 qt 4.7 L
4-SPD 4L80-E 7.7 qt 7.3 L
4-SPD 4L80-E Heavy Duty Transmission 7.7 qt 7.3 L
Wheel Nut Torque 140 ft lb 190 Y
All capacities are approximate. When adding, be sure to fill to the approximate level, as recommended in this
manual. Recheck fluid level after filling.
Engine Specifications
Engine VIN Code Transmission Spark Plug Gap
VORTEC™ 4300 V6 X Automatic 0.060 inches (1.52 mm)
VORTEC™ 4800 V8 C Automatic 0.040 inches (1.01 mm)
VORTEC™ 5300 V8 4 Automatic 0.040 inches (1.01 mm)
VORTEC™ 6000 V8 K Automatic 0.040 inches (1.01 mm)