When cleaning the cassette tape player with the
recommended non
-abrasive cleaning cassette, it is
possible that the cassette may eject, because the cut tape
detection feature on your radio may recognize it as a
broken tape. To prevent the cleaning cassette from being
ejected, use the following steps:
1. Turn the ignition to ON or ACCESSORY.
2. Turn the radio off.
3. Press and hold the TAPE CD or the TAPE AUX
button for five seconds. READY will appear on
the display and a cassette symbol will flash for
five seconds.
4. Insert the scrubbing action cleaning cassette.
5. Eject the cleaning cassette after the manufacturer’s
recommended cleaning time.
When the cleaning cassette has been ejected, the broken
tape detection feature is active again.
You may also choose a non
-scrubbing action, wet-type
cleaner which uses a cassette with a fabric belt to clean
the tape head. This type of cleaning cassette will not
eject on its own. A non
-scrubbing action cleaner may
not clean as thoroughly as the scrubbing type cleaner.
The use of a non
-scrubbing action, dry-type cleaning
cassette is not recommended.
After you clean the player, press and hold the EJT
button for five seconds to reset the CLEAN indicator.
The radio will display CLEANED to show the indicator
was reset.
Cassettes are subject to wear and the sound quality
may degrade over time. Always make sure the cassette
tape is in good condition before you have your tape
player serviced.