
Step 4
Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is the amount of
time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
Step 5
If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run regardless of
the level of server activity.
Step 6
Click the Run button.
To Access VRUTrace from a Command Line on a Node
From a command-line on an ICM VRU PG, you must access VRUTrace from the vrucap
directory located at: <icm_root>\icm\<customer instance>\<pg#>.
For example:
c:\icm\my_customer_instance\pg1a\vrucap> vrutrace
Using VRUTrace - Command Line Options
Syntax: vrutrace [ProcessName] [/if InputFile] [/o] [/of OutputFile] [/
bd BeginDate(mm/dd/yy)] [/bt BeginTime(hh:mm:ss)] [/ed EndDate(mm/dd/
yy)] [/et EndTime(hh:mm:ss)] [/all] [/prev] [/last] [/binary] [/debug]
[/sleep] [/htbt] [/vrustat] [/help] [/?]
VRUTrace Examples
This example shows how you can obtain the output from a log le with information from April
29, 2003 until April 30, 2003 with binary data.
c:\icm\xyz\pg1a\vrucap\vrutrace pim1 /bd 04/29/2003 /ed 04/30/2003 /
This example shows how you can obtain output from a log le with information from the last
time the process ran to the current date and time.
c:\icm\xyz\pg1a\vrucap\vrutrace pim1 /last
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 13: Using Cisco Common Tools
How to Use the VRUTrace Utility