Release Notes for Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(10)
Open Caveats
CSCdr36331 Going from low bit rate to low bit rate, the wrong counter is sent from a transcoder.
The problem occurs when the system is configured, so a transcoder is invoked to
transcode between two low-bit-rate codecs (for example, from a G.723 to a G.729).
Note Cisco CallManager Release 3.0 does not support the use of a
transcoder to support low-bit-rate to low-bit-rate transcoding.
When a transcoder is invoked to transcode between two low-bit-rate codecs, the
transcoder consumes the internal resources of two transcoders, but only one
transcoder is allocated.
As a result, more transcoders are available to be allocated in the system than there are
internal transcoding resources to support them. When all available internal
transcoding resources are in use, and another transcoder is allocated and begins
transcoding, the voice quality on all calls going through that transcoder device
degrades noticeably and, sometimes, severely.
Workaround: Cisco highly recommends that the system be carefully configured, so
that transcoding between low-bit-rate codecs is not required.
No workaround exists for this problem other than limiting the number of calls
through a given transcoder device by expanding the number of transcoders available.
Having at least twice as many transcoders available as there are calls that need them
at any given time should eliminate this problem.
CSCdr36406 A <CmdArg>[Object Error]<noCmdArg> error message returns when a user is added
via the Cisco CallManager administration page.
If users have been added to the system via private scripts, the directory may not allow
some userid name conflicts to occur but does not properly report the conflict. For
example, a user with the userid of "jsmith@company.com" will conflict with the
proposed userid of "jsmith.” This problem should not appear through normal usage
of the product.
Workaround: Use a different userid for the new user or access the directory directly
to delete the conflicting user.
Table 8 Open Caveats for Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(10) (continued)
DDTS number Description