Chapter 40 Cisco IP Phones
Directory Numbers
Cisco CallManager System Guide
Managing Directory Numbers
Directory numbers associate with devices such as phones, route points, CTI ports,
and H.323 clients. Administrators manage directory numbers from the Directory
Number Configuration and Route Plan Report windows in Cisco CallManager
Administration. Use the Directory Number Configuration window to add, update,
and remove directory numbers from a device, route point, or port. Use the Route
Plan Report window to delete or update unassigned directory numbers from
Cisco CallManager database.
Note Do not associate a directory number with a CTI route point or CTI port if the
directory number is a member of a line group.
The Directory Number Configuration window contains two check boxes: Active
and Update Directory Number of All Device Sharing this Line.
Active Check Box
The Active check box, which only displays for unassigned directory numbers,
determines whether the directory number gets loaded and used by
Cisco CallManager. By checking the check box, the directory number gets loaded
and used by Cisco CallManager. For example, the directory number belonged to
an employee who left the company. The directory number had certain settings
configured, like call forwarding to voice messaging. By leaving the directory
number active, a call that is intended for the directory number will get forwarded.
This eliminates the need to reconfigure another employee to have the same call
forwarding options. If the check box is not checked, then the directory number
will not get loaded by Cisco CallManager, resulting in settings configured for that
DN to not be used (for example, call forward destinations) and callers will not get
their call forwarded properly.
Update Directory Number of All Devices Sharing this Line
This check box determines whether a shared directory number gets updated to all
devices sharing the number. By checking the check box, all devices sharing the
directory number will receive the directory number change. By leaving the check
box unchecked, only the current device displayed in the window gets the directory
number changed and all other devices sharing the directory number remain