
Voice traffic can be classified with the following characteristics:
Smooth  VoIP packets are sent at consistent intervals with uniform packet sizes.
Benign  VoIP packets only attempt to use the bandwidth necessary to send from end to end. VoIP
does not use any windowing to determine data rates.
Packet Loss Sensitive  VoIP traffic is extremely sensitive to packet loss. Excessive loss degrades
overall voice quality.
Delay Sensitive  While VoIP can tolerate some amount of delay, excessive delay or excessive delay
variation (jitter) degrade overall voice quality.
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Best Effort  VoIP sends Real Time Protocol (RTP) packets using
UDP. UDP does not have a mechanism to retransmit lost packets.
The network guidelines defined by Cisco AVVID for proper VoIP operation are as follows:
Delay  Not to exceed 150 ms (one way).
Delay Variation (Jitter)  Not to exceed 30ms.
Packet Loss  Not to exceed 1 percent.
Note: While isolated testing may show that VoIP calls could operate in a network outside of these guidelines,
deploying a VoIP network under those conditions cannot be predictably engineered. Support from the Cisco
Cisco − Wireless IPT Design Guide for the Cisco 7920 IP Phone