
Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 69 General VPN Setup
Mapping Certificates to IPsec or SSL VPN Connection Profiles
Add/Edit Tunnel Group > General > Advanced
The Add or Edit Tunnel Group dialog box, General, Advanced dialog box, lets you configure the
following interface-specific attributes:
Interface-Specific Authentication Server Groups—Lets you configure an interface and server group
for authentication.
Interface—Lists available interfaces for selection.
Server Group—Lists authentication server groups available for this interface.
Use LOCAL if server group fails—Enables or disables fallback to the LOCAL database if the
server group fails.
Add—Adds the association between the selected available interface and the authentication
server group to the assigned list.
Remove—Moves the selected interface and authentication server group association from the
assigned list to the available list.
Interface/Server Group/Use Fallback—Show the selections you have added to the assigned list.
Interface-Specific Client IP Address Pools—-Lets you specify an interface and Client IP address
pool. You can have up to 6 pools.
Interface—Lists the available interfaces to add.
Address Pool—Lists address pools available to associate with this interface.
Add—Adds the association between the selected available interface and the client IP address
pool to the assigned list.
Remove—Moves the selected interface/address pool association from the assigned list to the
available list.
Interface/Address Pool—Shows the selections you have added to the assigned list.
The following table shows the modes in which this feature is available:
Add/Edit Tunnel Group > IPsec for Remote Access > IPsec
On the Add or Edit Tunnel Group dialog box for IPsec for Remote Access, the IPsec dialog box lets you
configure or edit IPsec-specific tunnel group parameters.
Pre-shared Key—Lets you specify the value of the pre-shared key for the tunnel group. The
maximum length of the pre-shared key is 128 characters.
Trustpoint Name—Selects a trustpoint name, if any trustpoints are configured. A trustpoint is a
representation of a certificate authority. A trustpoint contains the identity of the CA, CA-specific
configuration parameters, and an association with one enrolled identity certificate.
Firewall Mode Security Context
Routed Transparent Single
Context System