
Cisco Unity Express 8.0 Voicemail User’s Guide for Advanced Features
Receiving Voice-mail Messages in Your E-mail
After Receiving Voice-Mail Messages
After you receive voice-mail messages in your e-mail, you can perform the following actions:
Listen to messages—Typically, you can double-click the .wav file message attachment to listen to it.
Change the status of a message—Mark a message as read or unread.
Delete messages—Mark a message as deleted in your inbox, which also moves it into the deleted
messages portion of your voice-mail system. Logging out of your e-mail client removes all deleted
messages in your e-mail mailbox.
Note Deleted messages must be purged to entirely remove the message from your system.
Undelete messages—Change the state of a message from deleted to saved and remove it from the
deleted message storage space. As long as deleted messages are not purged, you can undelete them.
Purge deleted messages—Remove deleted messages from your e-mail client and server.
Updating the status of a message in your e-mail program also updates the message status on the
voice-mail system. For example, marking a message as Read on your e-mail client will mark the message
as saved on the telephone voice-mail system, and turn off your message-waiting indicator light on your
phone if you have no other new messages.
Note Not all of these actions may be supported by your e-mail program; see your e-mail program
documentation for more information.
Private Voice-Mail Messages
You can only download the headers, or summaries, of voice-mail messages that have been marked
“Private” by the sender. You must dial in to the voice-mail system to listen to the body of the private
voice-mail message.
Caution Do not delete a private message from your Inbox before listening to it. Deleting the message in your
e-mail client deletes the actual voice-mail message from the system and you cannot listen to it.
Broadcast Messages
You can only download broadcast messages that you have previously listened to and saved through the
telephone voice-mail system. New broadcast messages are not downloaded to your e-mail program.