
Catalyst 1900 − Firmware Configuration
——————————————————System Information——————————————————
FLASH: 1024K bytes
V9.00.00 Standard Edition
Upgrade status:
No upgrade currently in progress.
[S] TFTP Server name or IP address
[F] Filename for firmware upgrades
[A] Accept upgrade transfer from other hosts Disabled
[U]System XMODEM upgrade [D]Download test subsystem (XMODEM)
[T]System TFTP upgrade [X]Exit to Main Menu
Enter Selection:
The switch firmware version and the amount of Flash memory are displayed in the System Information area
of the Firmware Configuration menu. The following list displays each option and its description:
[S] TFTP Server name or IP address—Allows you to enter the server name or the IP address of the
TFTP server where the upgrade file is located.
[F] Filename for firmware upgrades—Lets you enter the name of the firmware upgrade file to be
[A] Accept upgrade transfer from other hosts—Allows you to enable or disable an upgrade from
another host on the network. To prevent any unauthorized upgrades, disable this option after you
upgrade your firmware.
[U] System XMODEM upgrade—Allows you to begin the upgrade using the XMODEM protocol.
[T] System TFTP upgrade—Allows you to begin the upgrade from a TFTP server. The address of the
server and the name of the file must already be configured with options S and F.
[D] Download test subsystem (XMODEM)—Available for Cisco personnel only. This option is not
available during a Telnet session.
[X] Exit to Main Menu—Returns you to the Main Menu.
[I] RS−232 Interface
The RS−232 Interface Configuration menu, which is available by choosing I from the Main Menu, configures
the RS−232 interface on the switch:
Catalyst 1900 − RS−232 Interface Configuration
——————————————————Group Settings————————————
[B] Baud rate 9600 baud
[D] Data bits 8 bit(s)
[S] Stop bits 1 bit(s)
[P] Parity setting None
[M] Match remote baud rate (auto baud) Enabled
[A] Auto answer Enabled
[N] Number for dial−out connection
[T] Time delay between dial attempts 300
[I] Initialization string for modem
[C] Cancel and restore previous group settings
[G] Activate group settings
[X] Exit to Main Menu
Enter Selection: