Linksys SPA9000 Administrator Guide
Document Version 3.01
Chapter 2 Getting Started
Using the Interactive Voice Response Interface
IVR Options
Table 2-2 summarizes the options provided by the IVR.
Table 2-2 IVR Options
IVR Action IVR Menu Choice Parameter(s) Notes
Enter IVR Menu * * * * None Ignore SIT or other tones until you hear,
“Linksys configuration menu. Please
enter option followed by the pound key or
hang-up to exit.”
Exit IVR Menu 3948 None
Check DHCP 100 None IVR announces if DHCP in enabled or
Enable/Disable DHCP 101 Enter 1 to enable
Enter 0 to disable
Requires password
Check WAN IP Address 110 None IVR announces the current IP address of
the WAN port.
Set Static IP Address 111 Enter IP address using
numbers on the telephone
key pad. Use the * (star) key
when entering a decimal
DHCP must be “Disabled,” otherwise you
hear, “Invalid Option,” if you try to set
this value.
Requires password
Check Network Mask 120 None IVR announces the current network mask
of SPA.
Set Network Mask 121 Enter value using numbers on
the telephone key pad. Use
the * (star) key when entering
a decimal point.
DHCP must be “Disabled,” otherwise you
hear, “Invalid Option,” if you try to set
this value.
Requires password
Check Static Gateway IP
130 None IVR announces the current gateway IP
address of SPA.
Set Static Gateway IP
131 Enter IP address using
numbers on the telephone
key pad. Use the * (star) key
when entering a decimal
DHCP must be “Disable,” otherwise you
hear, “Invalid Option,” if you try to set
this value.
Requires password
Check MAC Address 140 None IVR announces the MAC address of SPA
in hex string format.
Check Firmware Version 150 None IVR announces the version of the
firmware running on the SPA.
Check Primary DNS
Server Setting
160 None IVR announces the current setting in the
<Primary DNS> parameter.