XenServer Virtual Machine Installation Guide Updating VMs 35
can either wait for the auto-run facility, or manually click on the xensetup.exe program. Follow the on-
screen prompts to install the new drivers, which will automatically deactivate and upgrade the old drivers.
Updating Linux kernels and guest utilities
The Linux guest utilities can be updated by re-running the Linux/install.sh script from the built-in xs-
tools.iso CD image (see the section called “Installing the Linux guest agent”). From time to time, Citrix
also supplies updated Linux kernels for supported distributions.
The updates are posted online at: http://updates.xensource.com/XenServer/5.5.0/.
For example, the RHEL 3.x kernel would be at: http://updates.xensource.com/XenServer/5.5.0/rhel3x/.
This is of particular importance for RHEL and CentOS versions prior to 5.3, where you will get the upstream
kernel by default, which has certain limitations (see the section called “Release Notes”).
For yum-enabled distributions (CentOS 4 and 5, RHEL 5), xe-guest-utilities installs a yum configu-
ration file to enable subsequent updates to be done using yum in the standard manner.
RHEL 4 in particular does not use yum.
For Debian, /etc/apt/sources.list is populated to enable updates using apt by default.
SLES is also supported, but Citrix does not provide an updated kernel.