
Clickfree Portable Backup Drive User Guide Restoring my content
Copyright © 2009 Storage Appliance Corporation. 33
look at the computer name in the Restore From box: .
If your Portable Backup Drive contains backed-up files from the computer that you are
using, the Restore From box contains the name of this computer, and the files that will be
restored come from this computer.
To restore files that were backed up on another computer:
1. Click the arrow at the right of the Restore From box:
and select the name of the computer whose files you want to restore.
Warning: If you choose Restore my files to their original location to restore files backed up
on a different computer, you may inadvertently overwrite files that by chance have
the same name on both computers. Be very careful before proceeding with such a
2. Continue with restore as described in “How do I let Clickfree restore decide what to
restore and where?” on page 23, or “How do I change how Clickfree restores content?”
on page 27.
3. To restore files from more than one computer simply repeat the restore process choosing
a different computer each time in step 1.
If you skip any files during a restore, the Restore Complete screen has an Exceptions link at
the bottom left: