
Clickfree Portable Backup Drive User Guide Advanced topics
Copyright © 2009 Storage Appliance Corporation. 48
To use these tools:
1. Connect Clickfree to your computer as described in “How do I start using my
Clickfree Portable Backup Drive?” on page 10.
2. When you see the countdown screen, click Options before the countdown reaches
3. Click the Tools tab to show the available tools.
To apply Master Reset:
Master Reset is used to remove all backed-up content from all computers that have been
backed up on your Portable Backup Drive, and to apply factory settings – see “What are
‘factory settings’ and how do I use them?” on page 47.
After you perform a Master Reset you can no longer restore any previously backed-up
content. However, your Portable Backup Drive can still be used for new backups.
Note: Clickfree never erases anything other than the backups it has performed.