Standard Features of the Concept 50x
✔ Remotely Adjustable Dual-Zone Proximity Sensor— Two sensor zones
provide full protection: If someone is lurking near your car, the system will
sound a warning tone. But if a thief actually leans into the passenger
compartment, the system will instantly blast the siren. It is impervious to
wind and temperature variations that cause ultrasonic sensors to false alarm
and you can even adjust sensitivity of each zone via the remote control!
✔ Dual-Mode “Chirp” Silencing —Whenever you wish, just a press on the
remote control will arm and disarm the system silently. It’s perfect when
parking at night in a quiet residential area. Or, if you prefer, you can turn
off the chirps on a long-term basis until you wish to turn them back on.
Remote Door Locking/Unlocking with Built-in Relays
No more fumbling
with keys in the dark or bad weather! A press of a button on the remote
simultaneously arms your system and locks the doors. Another press
disarms and unlocks.
User-Selectable AutoLock— Automatically locks the doors the instant you turn
on the ignition to start the engine.
User-Selectable AutoUnLock— Automatically unlocks the doors when you turn
off the engine.
Smart Self-Powered Siren with Unbreachable Digital ComLink
Continuous two-way digital communication between the system and the
siren assures that if, at any time, the system fuse is pulled or any siren
wire is cut, the siren will instantly activate for five minutes. Yet when the
system is disarmed and power is interrupted, the siren will remain silent.
Personalized Siren Sounds:
You may select any combination of 6 different
sound patterns for unmistakable recognition from a distance. So if you hear a
siren at a distance, you will know for sure whether or not it is your car.
Automatic Low Battery Warning: If at any time the siren’s back-up battery
voltage is low or it fails to hold its charge, the normal arm and disarm chirps
will be muted to alert you of the problem. Once the siren’s internal back-up
battery is charged, the chirps will automatically be restored.
✔ Smart Remote Trunk Release Capability — Assures the optional remote
trunk release can be activated only if the system is disarmed. It also makes
sure that the trunk release cannot be remotely activated while driving.